Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Do Full-Time Moms get Sick Days??

Murphy’s Law – the week of Christmas 3 out of the 4 (OK - 5 counting our Cocker Spaniel) are sick!  I’m all for the spirit of giving – but I think my 3 year old took it a little to far.  What started as an innocent little sniffle, turned into a full fledged, doctor going, nebulizer needed crud!  And of course, it has now been shared.  You know it’s bad when the prescriptions from the pharmacy need to put in a shopping bag!  

How do you cope with sick kids when you are sick yourself?  Do you get to take a “sick day”? 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The War on Happy Meals...

So I just heard on the news this morning that there is this big lawsuit against McDonald’s related to the dreaded Happy Meal.  Litigation like this is beyond comprehension for me.  As a parent, I am fully aware that it is 100% my responsibility what goes in my children’s mouths (regardless of what toy comes with it).  It is my choice to offer them crap to eat, it is my choice to provide organic food, it is my choice to offer a vegetable at dinner – bottom line – it is my choice as a parent.  (PS - it is their choice to eat what I provide and there is not much I can do about that – ever try to force a 7 year old to eat something they don’t want to eat – not pretty and definitely a post for another day!!)

As a busy mom, I will admit that I am tempted by the convenience of the drive-thru and have struggled with the whining from the back seat for Mc Donald’s, Chik-Fil-A or another fast food chain.  And yes, I occasionally take my kids to McDonald’s (collective gasp!), but together we choose what they will eat (and drink) and I still have veto power.  I also choose whether the fast food run is a treat or becomes a regular staple of their diet.

Why do some parents abdicate their responsibility to their kids?  Don’t get me wrong - I am no where near the perfect parent and I make a huge amount of mistakes everyday (more than I can count), but my kids know that Mom and Dad are the parents and they are the kids.  There are some decisions they can make and then there are some decisions that Mom and Dad need to make.  This approach can be a struggle, but at least for now, it’s working (not sure if I’ll be posting a drastically different point of view in about 10 years). We love our kids so much that we teach them and help them to make good choices, and when necessary, we will make the tough choices for their benefit – even when it isn’t the most popular choice.

How do you ensure your family is eating healthy?  What tips, tricks, products, etc. can you share?  What other choices do you struggle with as a parent?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mommy Confessions (and other lessons learned from SATC2

I watched SATC2 last weekend and two scenes really resonated with me (not counting seeing Aidan again - sigh)...

1) Charlotte has a breakdown in the pantry. How many moms have reached a breaking point with their kids and just didn't know how to handle it? I admit it - I locked myself in the bathroom one time - but I didn't have the nanny coming to my rescue!

2) Charlotte and Miranda have "Mommy Confessions"! We all need a mommy confession time...a safe place with a trusted friend to admit that we don't have it all together all the time (shh...don't tell anyone!)