Sunday, November 21, 2010

It all started with three simple words...

How exactly to you appropriately begin a blog?  How about with a quick explanation of how we got here.  So it all started with a comment - three simple words really.  I had been participating in a Financial Peace University class through a neighborhood church.  This incredible 13-week class is facilitated via dvd lessons and group discussion.  The author, Dave Ramsey, (whom I LOVE), made a comment during one of the lessons about his wife being a "full time mom".  For more context, it was specifically that he went to work while his is wife stayed home and was a "full time mom".  This one comment hit me like a ton of bricks - it caught a hold of me and it wouldn't let go.  Throughout the 13-weeks, he made the "full time mom" comment several times.  I continued to run it back and forth in my mind.  It was the catalyst to the question I was continuing to ask myself - "What mom isn't a full-time mom?"  Regardless of whether you stay at home, work outside of the home or even work at home - we are all looking for ways to be better moms, wives, daughters, friends.  
I then reached out to some of the best women I know and posed the question to them and the crazy idea of starting a blog for all "full-time moms".  So here we are...not quite knowing what we're in for, but incredibly excited for the ride.